Saturday, March 29, 2008

More and More Teeth

Maya now has 6 teeth. Poor kid hasn't stopped teething in a month and a half. We're hoping for a small break for her poor little mouth. All that said, she has been remarkably good for a teething baby.

She is also now trying to say a few more words. More, Belle and Brother are among those. Obviously she only gets approximations of them, but her actions help make the meaning clear. We don't know why she won't call him Ethan, but brother works.

She is becoming very social. Having an affectionate family, she thinks she is supposed to kiss everybody. Other 11 month old babies don't quite know how to react when she kisses them, or tries to play directly with them. It is cute though.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Where does he learn these words?

When Ethan gets in trouble and is sent to his room, he has the choice of going himself or having help with increased consequences. Today was a day that he started bright and early with hitting and sassing, both of which are not tolerated, and was sent to his room. He refused to go so I began taking him.

"No, Mommy, I want to go in myself."

I set him down to give him the chance.

"Mommy, I don't need you to escort me in my room." He stood statue still just outside his door. As I finish helping him to his room, I am stunned at his vocabulary. Where on earth did he learn the word escort, let alone what it means and how to use it in a sentence?

Monday, March 3, 2008

A Tooth

Last week, Maya finally cut her first tooth. She's still adjusting to the new feeling. It looks like there are a few more on the way.