Friday, August 1, 2008

Observations of a 4 year old.

Todd and I were lucky enough to go to dinner with some friends. We had picked Ethan and Maya up, loaded the tired, crying children in the car and started making our way home. Ethan, being his usual observant self, started making some comments to us, after the motions of the car calmed the two little ones.

E-Mom, there's another seat here.
K-Yeah, there is. What is it for?
E-For another baby.
T-What baby?
E-The baby that comes after the last Disney World.
K-Oh really?
E-Mmm, hmm.
K-Whose baby is it?
E-Our baby.
T-You want another baby?
E-Yeah (giggling)
T-What kind of baby?
E-A boy.
K-What would we name him?
T-Another Ethan. We can't do that, mom might call for Ethan and you wouldn't know if it was you. How about another name?
E-How about Robert.
T-Probably not Robert. (No offense intended to Robert or Roberta)
E-How about Uncle Paul
Laughter by all.

That little boy cracks me up.

Disclaimer-This story is not announcing any impending conditions or plans, known or not known, about the current size of our family. It is simply the musings of our son. Sorry Grandma.

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