Yes, Maya is taking steps around the house, unassisted. She has been doing it for about a month. (Sorry I didn't update sooner.) She is still unstable though.
Often, she decides that it is just easier to scoot, so she drops to the floor and resumes her unique hobbling. She learned to stabilize herself on our wood floors when going to both knees resulted in a few face plants. Ouch!! So she started putting her right leg forward, using her arms and dragging the left leg a bit behind her.
This is also apparent in her walking. She tends to drag the left foot when she takes steps. So we're still working on the whole walking concept.
In other news, we've found that playing hide and seek can be quite dangerous for mommy. Maya and I were hiding under a blanket while Ethan did his Fe, Fi, Fo, Fum bit. Maya gets very excited when he does this. She launched herself backward and planted the back of her head against the bridge of my nose. Crunch!!!
Oh, the pain. Not just the instant watering of the eyes from the stinging, which I'm sure most parents have experienced. No, it takes quite a bit of pain to actually make me cry, and tears were running down my cheeks.
Maya was upset at seeing me cry so, being the sweetheart she is, she kept kissing me to try to help me feel better while I applied ice, lied down and tried to minimize bleeding and swelling. So two days out, I've got some bruising across the bridge of my nose, congestion, unrelated to allergies, and the constant throbbing pain through the sinuses. I still don't know if my nose was actually broken, as I was too cheap to pay $30 over the weekend to get it x-rayed, but it's not crooked, no leaking cerebral fluid or gray matter, so I figure why bother.
I'll just have to remember to place my face a bit more strategically in the future, or at least make sure it happens on a weekday.