Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Holy Hanna

Okay, so I couldn't resist the cheesy title. Truth be told, we faired quite well with what was then just a tropical storm system. We got about 5 inches of rain in 6 hours, so it was very wet. Luckily, we prepared by checking the gutters and walkout to make sure that the drainage paths were clear.

We did not lose power during the actual storm, so our sump pump was able to mostly keep up with the water. We were also fortunate enough not to lose any trees this time. Ethan had fun watching the rivers of water in the streets, but did not like having to stay in doors. (For those who don't know, that muddy brown section is our ditch topping over. Sorry about the screen in the way, but I was not about to go outside just to get a clearer picture.)

We'll have to see what the rest of the hurricane season has for us this year. Hopefully we won't receive any direct blows. The last time we did was 5 years ago with Hurricane Isabel. She left us without power for nearly 5 days.

1 comment:

Heather said...

I'm glad everything was okay during the hurricane. As I was packing up to move, I realized that I would miss hurricane season this year and actually felt a little sad. You never know how bad it really will be and most of the time it's not as bad as they predict but sometimes it's worse. It's just a gamble and something that I apparently enjoy.